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Fraction & Decimals

A Fraction consists 3 parts, A denominator, A numerator and A fraction line. Imagine a fraction as a pie


A denominator is the number below the fraction line, it indicates how many pieces in total equals 1

E.g. 1/20 = totally needs 20 pieces 


A numerator is a number above the fraction line, it indicates how many pieces are there.

E.g. 13/20 = there are 13 pieces out of 20


There are 3 kinds of fractions,

Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mix fractions.


A Proper Fraction is a normal fraction where the denominator is larger than a numerator.

E.g. 1/2  3/4  12/45


A Improper fraction is where the numerator is larger than the denominator.

E.g. 6/2 17/4 28/8


A mixed fraction is a whole number mixed with a proper fraction.​


Equivalent Fractions


Some fractions look different but actually have the same amount.

E.g. 1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8


That's why there is a simplest form for fractions, to do that just divide the numerator and the denominator with the same number.



Fraction and decimals can switch to the other.
E.g. 0.5 = 1/2
    0.025 = 1/100
Also fractions and decimals can be changed to percentages
E.g. 0.5 = 1/2 = 50%

1 digit &​ 2 digit

A digit is where a number represents it’s value.

Different numbers putting in different digits have different value.
For example, 
3 in the tens digit is 30
6 in the hundreds digit is 600
In this case,

1-digit means the number only have one digit.
E.g. 0-9
2-digit number

​Decimal Point

A decimal point is represent as a dot to identify digits that are smaller than 1

E.g. 0.1 0.01


Digits that are smaller than 1 have different names.

E.g. 0.1 is called tenth

       0.01 is called hundredth


Fraction line

A fraction line is a symbol to represent a portion,

E.g. 1/2 = half

        1/4 = a quarter



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